Training Diet

Sports Nutrition-Diet,food,supplements and drinks

"I have been taking the product for several months now and in that time I have experienced nothing short of a transformation in my health and wellness. With the extent of my athletic background, this is not something I say casually!  Click here for success story

Fitness Training Checklist
1. Are you exercising on "fumes" or "fuel"? Do you have lunch at work and then don't eat again until after training? Or you may consume some sugary snack or sugar "sports" drink on the way to training?
2. Training and competing 3/4 times a week and have little time to recover. Injury prone?
3. Focussed  on carbo loading leaving your blood sugar in yo-yo mode? Do you have cravings for certain types of food after exercise. e.g. carbohydrate  foods
4. Aware that when your at your fittest your immune system is often at its most vulnerable and therefore your susceptible to colds and flus etc
5. Drink enough fluids during  training / competing? Do you drink "dehydrating" cups of tea/coffee during the day and around exercise?
6. Taking too much caffeine? Coffee is a diuretic. How large amounts of caffeine in energy drinks can dehydrate the body? Dehydration being one of the biggest problems in sports
7. Match nerves / tension, high stomach acid levels ?
8. Exercise drains nutrients from the body and nutrients are required to utilise your fuel supply
9. Sugary snacks and drinks can put the body in storage mode when it needs to be in  release mode? Article -124 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
9. Are you getting the right protein intake  based on your height/weight and sport?
10. Utilising the "30 minute window" for refuelling your body after exercise?
11. Repairing your muscles with protein after exercise .Aware of the "90-120 minute window" for replacing protein in the muscles.
12. Boost metabolic rate by maintaining a healthy muscle mass
13. Breathing in oxygen generates free radicals. Aware that taking antioxidants can reduce repair and recovery time
14 .Increasing blood flow to the muscles can aid recovery?


Success Stories:
Ball Sports
Endurance events
Martial Arts
Motor Sports
Water Sports       

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