Expedition food

Millions of customers ..active people to international athletes....

Adventure Diet Success Stories-_We have millions of customers from every walk of life. Our products are easy to use, cost effective and can create dramatic results. Here are a few comments

"To beat the elements you have to be in peak condition, I've achieved this with the nutritional support provided by regularly using Herbalife products, especially during my intense training periods. They provided an invaluable support on my 2845Km, 64-day record making trek across the Antarctic.
"People often ask me why I felt the need to make the trip. I can only say that even when it was hard and I longed for home, I knew that I was privileged to experience the harsh beauty of the Antarctic. That's what it's all about, the memories and feelings inside my head, no-one can take that from me.
"With my own determination, a healthy respect for the elements and the support of Herbalife products I have achieved my goals and fulfilled a seemingly impossible dream. When you are out there on your own in one of the worlds most inhospitable climates in the world it's great to know that you have nutritional support to help you keep striving onwards to victory!"

Borge Ousland
Alone Across Antarctica - When good nutrition counts. Expedition foods 

Individual results will vary.

"Completing a full and active training programme is the key to attaining full fitness. As part of every session I take formula one 45 minutes before training. This provides me with the energy I need, without the fullness of having a meal, and in terms of convenience it is ideal. As soon as possible after training I take another serving. This immediately refuels me, when I would not feel like eating, and it never leaves me feeling uncomfortable or bloated. This routine enables me to train several times a day, and has led to a large decrease in muscle soreness afterwards.

The product is extremely palatable, and I can see no reason why I will not be using it for the duration of my sailing career. I believe it is something which can benefit club sailors and international competitors alike, and I would quite happily recommend it to anyone.”

March 2004 update  -For me Liquid nutrition is crucial. After training I never feel like eating solids, and for convenience, Herbalife's formula one is unbeatable. I travel extensively through competing and coaching sailing, and I know that I can rely on formula one to meet all my nutritional needs.
Jon Emmett
Laser and Radial International Team

Individual results will vary.

What emphasis placed on diet and nutrition alongside technique, training and mental preparation?
What emphasis placed on the fuelling process around exercise. Sports Nutrition Checklist

High glcyemic index mars bar and cola  or nutritious slow release protein bar and power packed shake? 

Our bodies work a lot like a car. It needs fuel to function effectively.  Unfortunately, many of us leave home or work on a half-full tank or even worse! In order to perform effectively, it is important to make sure our fuel tanks are properly filled. Food for thought! The role of sports nutrition in obtaining peak performance

If this strikes a cord with you and you want to maximise personal sporting performance through nutrition, please take a look at our  nutrition range.

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. All references to weight control relate to the Herbalife Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest, individual results will vary.The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Alternative to Freeze Dried and Dehydrated foods

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Fuelling etc explained
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