Career in Wellness? |
is the central trend for the coming decades
6. Why Start a
Business Part Time?
- Jim Rohn said that "Profits are better
than wages. Wages will make you a living, profits can make you
a fortune."
- And one definition of a job = just over broke. So why don't
more people start a business? Many feel that they have to choose
between a job or a business. Herbalife allows you to start a
business part time with the option to go full time later.
- "once you start
investing even part time effort into your own business,
you will find how much more exciting it is to get up in the
And for the reality
of life today, read this article
"Our bills are rising fast" "We manage
our money terribly" "We've become addicted to debt"
"Our saving for retirement is pathetic "We don't
have enough to fall back on"
"Our credit card debt is growing"
7. Which Market?
Wellness is the central trend for the
coming decades. The Wellness market is expected
to increase in size 8 fold over the next 5 years to 700 billion a
year. Half the population overweight due to heavily
marketed carbohydrate based snacks, soft drinks, processed foods and
fast food. For example, in the UK 1 in 4 people are now obese,
according to the national audit office. And the UK is probably 10
years behind the USA where there is a diabetes epidemic. What
about your country? In the next 10 years there are expected to be
210 million diabetics worldwide.
- 8. Which Opportunity in Wellness?
- As the Wellness Revolution video explained, the opportunities
to work in Wellness are as a practitioner, in manufacturing in retail
and in distribution. And that fortunes will be made in educating
and coaching
consumers about new products and services.
- As a practitioner, you are limited by time = limited earning potential.
As a manufacturer you need a hefty investment. As a retailer
you have high overheads and the problems of employing
staff. Herbalife is about distribution and education. Low costs,
an inbuilt growth model so that you can build your business beyond
your own time.
- 10. Into Sports& Fitness?
This opportunity is available to all age groups, of course.. Within
our company we have a group called Generation H aimed at those who
don't want to work for 40 years in a conventional 9 to 5 job.
H !
Read about the experience of Katy a 21 year old graduate
12. How does it
Wellness is such a large, growth market and
there are many ways in which the business can be run.
Your details are added to our Nationwide Directory
of Distributors and we teach you how to promote your business locally
and via the web.
BIG Marketing teach
15 methods of promotion and provide the support systems to go with
them. Alongside the traditional methods of promotion such as flyers,
posters into companies and advertising we teach the total plan, wellness evaluations, body fat testing pods, sports
affiliates, corporate wellness programmes, Arriba lifestyle magazine, internet marketing
and new wellness clubs.
You choose the ways that suit your circumstances e.g. do
you have small children? Would like to be based from home? Or would
you like to develop your business outside of the home.
- 13. Day to
Day Activities?
- Many and varied, depending on which part of the business you
work, your interests and also your personality but to give you
an idea see the different ways we make contact with our clients.
Discuss with us your preference.
- Contact with clients by phone? Take incoming calls
working from home i.e. asking questions, supplying
information, personalising programmes by email, providing
aftercare. Responding to internet enquiries.
- Face to face contact? Work in our
corporate wellness programme,
by attending wellness days. Or run a Wellness Club a new
- Internet marketing guru?! Promotion online and also away
from the web. Affiliate Marketing, set up affiliate links
with sports clubs, for example. Organise despatch of orders.
- Sports? Set up affiliate links with sports club
- Supervisor-Help us to supervise teams within a
postcode area i.e. PL / DN / YO etc the business on which you are paid a royalty.
This is paid now and into the future. Musicians are not the
only ones to receive royalties!
More Details |
What is Wellness? “ The condition
of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet,
exercise and habits.”–American Heritage Dictionary
“Wellness is about waking up every morning and having enough time, energy
and freedom to live the life you want.”
The Keys to Optimum Wellness
1 – Balance Your Diet
You need to get enough of the right foods including colourful fruits and
vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates and just enough good fats for the
taste you want. You also need vitamins, minerals and fibre from dietary
supplements to provide the nutrition missing from your diet that your cells need for good
2 – Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can help you feel and look your best. Exercise conditions
your heart and relieves stress and makes it easier to achieve and maintain a
healthy body weight.
3 – Drink Lots of Water
Your body is about two-thirds water. In an average day, you lose at least
one pint of water even without excessive sweating. To feel your best, you should
drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.