Career in Wellness?

Wellness is the central trend for the coming decades

5. Why are the programmes not available in shops?
What's your value to Herbalife? -  Stores find it difficult to provide any sort of aftercare or coaching and to maintain a one to one relationship with their customers.  Herbalife operate in a specialist area and training is excellent. You can maintain an ongoing relationship with the client by phone and email for the months they are on a programme. You can ask the right questions, provide the right information and send customers personalised  programmes  by email. 
There is an also an opportunity to develop the business via the internet. The number one reason of all reasons (people) turn on the Internet is to find out information about health and wellness. HEALTH is one of the most popular subjects on the web.
What are the benefits to the client? - Everyone needs a coach. Whatever your career or background we all perform better when we have a coach supporting and guiding us to better performance.  All over the world in every walk of life the coaching culture is becoming more and more established.  This way the customer gets a fantastic result and  your business benefits through lots of referrals. Work colleagues will ask clients "How have you lost weight -what's the secret?
What's are the benefits for you? - Have you been on the roads during rush hour recently? How much worse will it get? Extra income, financial independence, residual income for retirement? Work your own hours, no career limits, work from home? Tax rebates- for the first 3 years-this is worth thousands.
Right now this is probably the best business opportunity in the world, with the rise in obesity and growth in the Wellness Market! Imagine a concept where you could have a million pound company, access to cutting edge products, an unlimited market place that has a high demand for the products ...........imagine that you build an organisation that are highly motivated because they work for themselves and imagine if the product is a life changing one that is CONSUMABLE ON A DAILY BASIS.
Long Term Prospects? - Under the leadership of new CEO Michael O Johnson who previously spend 17 years helping the Disney brand go global, its stock has trebled on the New York Stock exchange in the last 4 years. High profile media advertising combined with powerful market and society trends indicate that this brand is set to become a household name all over the world.



More details

What is Wellness?

“ The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise and habits.”–American Heritage Dictionary

“Wellness is about waking up every morning and having enough time, energy and freedom to live the life you want.”

The Keys to Optimum Wellness

1 – Balance Your Diet

You need to get enough of the right foods including colourful fruits and vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates and just enough good fats for the taste you want. You also need vitamins, minerals and fibre from dietary supplements to provide the nutrition missing from your diet that your cells need for good health.

2 – Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help you feel and look your best. Exercise conditions your heart and relieves stress and makes it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

3 – Drink Lots of Water

Your body is about two-thirds water. In an average day, you lose at least one pint of water even without excessive sweating. To feel your best, you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.