Winter Warmer Shake Recipes
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Warming Shakes
Want to try something new with your Herbalife shake today? Try making a warm Herbalife Shake using Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix! It's perfect for those cold days when you want to reach for something warm.
There's s secret trick to making a hot Herbalife shake: you need to add cold milk to your powder first. Susan Bowerman, registered dietitian shows you this trick to getting the perfect consistency for your hot Herbalife shake.
What you'll need to make a hot Herbalife shake:
- Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix and F3 if recommended.
- Few tablespoons cold low-fat milk
- 8 oz. (250 ml) hot or warm milk
First do Susan Bowerman's trick with cold milk for consistency. The add your hot or warm milk. Enjoy
1) Soya milk blended with banana – add F1 Chocolate.
2) Make a coffee and add F1 Cappuccino or Chocolate.
3) Soya milk blended with F1 Cookies & Cream, then microwave.
4) F1 (any flavour) mixed with heated porridge oats and Soya milk.
5) Batchelors (low fat) Asparagus Cuppa Soup with F1 Vanilla added, after it has cooled down a little.
6) F1 Chocolate or Cappuccino, 1 dessert spoon of fromage frais, 1 teaspoon of coffee, hot Soya milk.
7) F1 Chocolate, orange juice, dessert spoon of orange flavoured yoghurt, dessert spoon of low fat chocolate flavoured yoghurt or fromage frais.
8) Hot Nogg! F1 Vanilla, Soya milk, teaspoon of honey, ¼ teaspoon vanilla essence, ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg.
9) Get up and Go! F1 Chocolate, 3 prunes, 2 tablespoons Oat Bran, 250ml warmed Soya milk.
Tip: Do not use a shaker for hot shakes, as the pressure caused by the hot liquid will force off the lid and you will get covered!
We are always looking for more recipes to add to this ‘HOT’ list. If you discover any, please email us and we will add them to the list and share
New F1 Mushroom and Herb Shake - waming and delicious.
More Formula 1 Recipes
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