Contact your distributor for a personalised programme i.e. how many spoons of Formula 3(one or two)  which is a calculation based on height and weight.
  Individuals weighing over 220 pounds or those with 50 pounds or more to lose may add one extra dessert spoon of Formula 3 to their shakes. In addition, depending on hunger and weight-loss goals, men may have two snacks a day.
Shake up your Formula 1 choices and try all three flavours.
Drinking water is important.
Exercise several times a week.
Watch out for stress eating–if you feel emotional try writing instead.
Keep protein snacks at work and in the car to fight between-meal cravings. Get a balance of fruit, protein and vegetable snacks
Find ways to reward yourself besides food–set aside time for yourself.
Instant Herbal Concentrate -Want to start your day with a Herbal twist? A delicious and refreshing herbal drink – the perfect way to up your water intake! Take 2-4 times a day.
Cell U Loss-This unique vitamin, mineral and herbal formula, is designed to assist the body’s fluid balance. It’s loaded with vitamin C, an essential vitamin with antioxidant activity and potassium, a vital mineral that is often lacking in calorie-restricted diets.
Total Control -A powerful herbal enhancer for more effective weight loss. Through appetite control promotes easier weight loss. Boosts metabolism to help burn fat .Builds energy and soothes digestion. 
Cell Activator -For improved nutrient absorption and energy production.
Supports the assimilation and absorption of essential nutrients. Enhances overall vitality and well-being. Optimizes cellular energy production.
Click here for info on the Power Of Protein 
Discover the health risks and weight-loss challenges associated with what shape you are?
Start taking the products and receive a personalised programme from Herbal Vitality, including recommendations on how many spoons of Formula 1 and 3.

These product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.