Take the 24Fit Challenge

Personalised nutritional intake + exercise(strength training and cardio) + body composition testing will keep you motivated and give you optimum results.

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Have you joined a Health Club, Leisure Centre or Gym but without any guidance on nutrition or the way nutrition works in harmony with exercise? So, normally within 6 - 8 weeks you feel despondent because you are not getting the results you expected? This is why 80% of memberships get cancelled or frozen.

There are 3 key elements to the 24Fit Challenge:

1.A structured nutrition programme, supported by the science of cellular nutrition and meal replacement, personalised to the individual.
2. Exercise programme(strength training as well as cardio) for 24 weeks.
3.Track results, ideally using body composition testing.  An essential part of a weight-loss program involves noticing your progress which will keep you motivated and on track.

1. Good Nutrition - Ask any fitness pro or nutrition expert and you will hear weight loss is comprised of about 80% diet and 20% exercise. For fitness 50%/50%. The key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight lies in the ability to adapt a diet to fit your individual nutritional needs and lifestyle. Herbalife believes in everybody having their own personalised nutrition plan – which includes your recommended daily protein intake. That’s why we’ve designed products that a) Allow a personalised balance of nutrients b) Are easy to take at home, at work or on the go.

Accessibility is often an area where people’s diets fail. If you get hungry and you don’t have a healthy meal close to hand, it’s easy to go for something unhealthy which is often high in calories. Herbalife has taken the hard work out of preparing good nutrition by doing the calorie counting and measuring for you.

The science behind meal replacement - The Herbalife programme provides all the nutrition your body needs on a daily basis for less calories, so your energy improves as your weight and inches go down. Consume less calories than your total active metabolic rate (AMR) = xxxxx calories in order to burn the stored fat instead but without cutting out the following:- Enough protein to provide for muscle growth and general energy.- Enough vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. - Enough essential fatty acids for a healthy working body. Enough Carbohydrates (you still need Carbs for your general energy source). The programmes help you to gradually change eating habits, though getting into the routine of eating 3 times a day( or every 3 hours if working out), getting protein into every meal and, finding alternatives for carbohydrate based snacks.

Cellular Nutrition. - Simply consuming good food and adding nutritional supplements will not make any difference to the way you feel if your body is unable to fully digest and absorb all nutrition you eat. What happens when you don’t absorb nutrients? First of all, you start feeling like you need more food – your appetite increases as do your cravings. Repair your Villi


More details on the nutrition programme

2. Exercise - By your mid-30s, most people still look young, but are already experiencing the BIG Three of aging: deteriorating lean muscle mass, worsening posture, and crumbling joints" say Robert Forster, Physical Therapist and PT.

 " Many people say that, as they age, they eat and exercise the same amount but still gain weight. One of the main causes of this is loss of muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn. Strength training preserves and even increases muscle mass, keeping metabolism at a high level" Tom Holland, Exercise physiologist:.  Hit a weight plateau? Step up your strength training. To help preserve muscle mass, aim for at least 20 grams of protein at every meal.  And a protein shake after training accelerates lean muscle growth, which in turn revs your metabolism and burns more fat, and speeds up recovery.

The 24 Fit Workout includes flexibility and posture exercises as well as cardio and strength training workouts.

Why is Herbalife24FIT is better than other home workout programmes?

1. Gradually increases in intensity so you don't workout harder you workout smarter.
2. Addresses common vulnerabilities of the human body regardless of age or previous activity level.
3. Trains your body to burn fat instead of carbs over the course of the 24 week programme.
4. At any age, any condition, anyone can build a better body with Herbalife24FIT, because it offers three levels of difficulty so you can work out at the level that is right for you!

More details on the exercise programme

3. Tracking Results -  Ask most gyms, leisure centres or health clubs what results they get for their clients? And you will normally get a blank expression. Are they scared of what they will find? An essential part of a weight-loss program involves noticing your progress.  Yes you can step on the bathroom scales but they don't take into account your body’s composition. This is what your body is made up of, how much fat you have relative to lean tissue. By figuring out your body fat percentage you can get a better look at how your body is composed and how “healthy” you are and what progress you are making. Motivation is key to success so when you see impressive improvements you will keep going!  Reductions in body fat% & visceral fat%, along with increased muscle mass, (remember, healthy lean muscle burns calories) you will also see things like a reduction in your metabolic age. If not using the Tanita scales, then use a tape measure instead, we will advise you how to get accurate measurements each time.


More details on the tracking programme

Combine an exercise program (metabolic workouts and strength training), with your Herbalife personalised nutritional intake, then with our ongoing advice & support, along with a body composition test,  you are guaranteed to get optimum results.

Herbal Vitality Articles:

The Science Behind Losing Body Fat - How to burn fat not carbs whilst exercising?
Lose Weight With Cardio and Strength Training - The benefits of strength training.
Does Weight Training Burn Fat - Cardio and strength training compared.

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