Nitric-Oxide benefits: Through vascular
nutrition, you can increase the production of Nitric Oxide, which
�exercises� or expands your vessels, increasing their youthful
elasticity. In addition, Nitric Oxide is an important biological
messenger that causes a cascade of benefits at the cellular level,
which can improve circulatory, immune and nervous-system function.
Nitric Oxide influences the functioning of virtually every organ in
the body, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, brain and, of
course, the heart.
Nutrition that counts: Exercise and certain foods promote the
production of Nitric-Oxide in your body. Herbalife Niteworks is
designed for nighttime consumption when your body is producing the
least amount of Nitric Oxide from food and exercise. However,
Niteworks� can also be used during the day. Regardless, it would be
difficult to ingest the same amount of L-Arginine from foods as your
body gets from this product.
Great taste: Blend Niteworks�
powder mix with 8 oz. of water or sparkling water for a refreshing
lemon-flavored drink. For a different flavour combination, mix with
your favorite juice. Be sure to use the recommended two scoops of
powder mix for optimum effectiveness.