Fitness Instructors as Wellness Coaches |
Wellness is the
central trend for the coming decades |
Both from corporate backgrounds.
Andrew was a Financial Engineer and Vicki was a Regional Sales
Manager. They were rarely at home; travelling 50 to 60 000
miles per year; away in hotels; and taking on more work and
stressed. 80 to 100 hours per week was their norm. A near
death accident one night, when Vicki fell asleep at the wheel
made them take stock of life and what they wanted.
Vicki re-trained in nutrition; became a fitness instructor and
bought a fitness franchise and ran this for 5 years until she
sold up. Andrew went into a business venture that went
horribly wrong, leaving him bankrupt and unwell as a result of
stress. |
It was a Sunday afternoon in at a local
event in a neighbouring village that Herbalife found Vicki. �We
completed a survey. Vicki ended up going to a business opportunity
meeting, with a very sceptical husband! �I wanted to look closely at
the products, because I won�t ask anybody to do something I haven�t
used myself. I lost 8 lb in 3 weeks, I didn�t really
need to, and Andrew lost 10lb. The structure of the programme made
sense to me, as well as good nutritional ingredients.� I went to a
higher level meeting to meet other established people and thought� �If
they can do it, then so can I�
�After 3 � months I couldn�t
cope doing 2 jobs�.the Herbalife business was growing, and I had to
make a decision - Herbalife won and I went full time.
6 years on �We have a business
that we are in control of. We are able to work from home; we
save hours of commuting and wasted time, nobody can make us redundant
or fire us. It�s a simple business that we can take anywhere in the
world. In time it will also become our pension and will allow
Andrew to work full time with me too, so redundancy will no longer be
a concern.�
Setting the pace with Herbalife!
Martin is 45 years old, he lives in Lincoln with his wife Tracey
and he has been a Police Officer for 27 years. His interest in
Herbalife Products came from his love of sports. He has been a
Physical Training Instructor for 12 years and a Senior Coach with UK
Athletics for 14 years�
"My age was hampering my recovery time."
"I love most Sports but in particular I love Fell and Mountain
running. Most weekends, I participate in some type of race or event,
however over the years I'd found it increasingly difficult to run or
even jog the day after a hard race - this was very frustrating."
"I'd never used any Sports Nutrition supplements and I didn't
expect much�"
"In October 2001, Tracey had heard about a business opportunity with
Herbalife and asked me to go along with her to a meeting. Tracey
decided to give the business a try and I decided to test out these
products personally�I was amazed by the results!" |
"My form was like that of a
25 year old!"
"I started using Formula 1 for
fuelling, before, during and
after exercise and found that
feeling of energy improved
dramatically and, my recovery
particularly after longer
races, seemed to be enhanced.
I could run two hard fell
races in three days and still
run the following day! I
hadn't been able to do this
since my twenties!"
"The secrets of my success!"
"I started taking other
Herbalife products to see if
these would help too. About
one hour prior to exercise or
an event, I took a
Thermojetics Beverage. Then
approximately quarter of an
hour before the start I would
take a Formula 1 shake, I
would also use the Herbal Aloe
Drink to ensure that I was
properly hydrated. During the
race I would have a very weak
Formula 1 shake and drink
small amounts every 20-30 mins,
or I would take a Thermojetics
Beverage; 1 teaspoon per
litre, to make it Isotonic so
that it is absorbed quickly
into the body.
Immediately after exercise I
would have another litre of
normal strength Formula 1 and
I'd also take 1 RoseOx and a
Protein Bar. I do this before
any warm down or shower.
Finally about two hours after
exercise I would have another
Shake and I would also add 2-4
spoonfuls of Personalised
Protein Powder. I also eat the
Protein Bars after exercise."
"I'm looking forward to my
next 45 years racing!"
"The difference that this has
made to my form is amazing. I
have taken my running back to
the point it was about 10
years ago and I can train
everyday even after an event.
In 2002 my race results showed
no loss of form or time,
despite a lack of training due
to work commitments and my
advancing years!
I cannot recommend Herbalife
products enough to people. To
me they have given me back the
energy that was slipping away.
I am now looking forward to my
next 45 years of fell
More success stories
Work in Sports
Personal Trainers