- How to lose weight ? And
how to find a long
term solution? Fasting, living on lettuce
leaves, diet pills or excluding entire food groups won't cut it in the
long run, because it's just too hard. And the slowed
metabolism, bingeing, and self-recrimination that follow can
make a weight problem even worse.
- What are your challenges? - Losing weight and
changing your shape for good depends on making
some serious (but not unpleasant!) lifestyle changes.
Is this you?
Eat a nutritious diet -
First and foremost, the daily food plan should provide all
the nutrients the body needs to thrive, including plenty
of protein, at least five servings of fruits and
vegetables, 25-30 grams of fibre and 6-8 glasses of water.
- Healthy
Breakfast? A perception that cereals and
toast for breakfast is a healthy option? "Favourite cereals have more sugar than doughnuts"
Do you have a
carb based
breakfast or skip breakfast?
- Spread Our Daily Food Intake-
Eating 3 meals and 1-3 snacks(depending on
height/weight/how active/resting metabolic rate) each day is
key, as
skipping meals or waiting too long before eating can
slow the metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, and
increase the risk of bingeing on unhealthy foods.
- Each Meal Contains Protein- E
ating protein with every meal
or snack helps slow the rise and fall of blood sugar and
reduce hunger cravings. Soy protein is an excellent choice
because it's a high-quality protein that's low in fat and
calories. It also has a low
glycemic index, which means it
won't trigger a sharp increase and decrease of blood
sugar. Recent studies have also shown that soy protein
helps reduce hunger and
extend the period of feeling
�full.� And, the FDA states that 25 grams of soy
per day, with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol,
may reduce the risk of heart disease. BBC Programme about
the science of
losing weight - practical demonstrations on the
value of getting protein into every meal
Get a Balance of Snacks between Fruit, Protein and
Examples of
protein snacks include a boiled egg, plain yogurt, soy
nuts, protein bars. Examples of vegetable snacks include
cherry tomatoes and baby carrots, celery, peppers with hummus.
And for fruit, see some
top choices here.
Avoid / limit the carb based snacks
such cereal bars, rice cakes, biscuits, crisps etc.
My diet had been almost all carbs
I had no nutrition going into my body"
Aim to get some protein into every meal
and snack eg greek yogurt wih fruit.-
Eat more soy and soy isoflavones
To receive the full benefits of soy isoflavones, a
health expert panel advocates 160 mg a day, which is
approximately the amount contained in 6 glasses of soy
milk or 6 servings of tofu. But that's a lot to swallow,
and may add an extra 24 grams of fat to the diet! Taking
isoflavone pills may sound like a good idea, but they
don't work as well as natural isoflavones combined with
soy protein and may interfere with mineral absorption.
Trim the fat
Since fat is
the most concentrated source of calories, eating too many
fatty foods is a fast-track to weight gain. Easy ways to
cut back on fat include using non-fat dairy products,
fat-free salad dressing and margarine and lean meats
whenever possible. Poultry, meats and fish should be
skinned and trimmed of all visible fat before cooking. And
of course fried foods, cream sauces, butter, gravy,
full-fat cheese or dairy products and rich desserts should
be cut back or eaten only occasionally.
Practice enjoyable eating
Those who feel deprived won't stay with an eating plan for
long, and completely cutting out favourite foods can
backfire. A more flexible approach is needed. Most foods
can be eaten sparingly and less often, or enjoyed in healthier versions.
The overall goal is to eat
foods that play a dual role: good for the taste buds and
good for the body.
Watch portion size -
adding an extra 1/2 cup of cereal, tablespoon of butter,
extra ounce of meat and slice of bread to the daily diet
can add up to about 320 extra calories. If done
consistently, this could produce another pound of fat
every 11 days! Using measuring cups and spoons and a small
scale can help keep portions under control. Eat your
evening meal off a smaller plate 10" plate v 12" plate.
- No shape-up plan
is complete without a good exercise component. Exercise
helps boost the metabolism, tone the body and speed weight
loss. It's also an effective anxiety buster, relieving
muscle tension, burning up stress hormones and stimulating
the release of endorphins. A brisk walk for 45 minutes a
day can add up to another pound lost every 17 days.
Think strength training 3 times a week for 30
Drink plenty of water -
body needs at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day to wash
away toxins, replenish lost fluids, prevent constipation,
and reduce water retention or bloating. For best results,
water should be sipped a little at a time throughout the
Come prepared -
One of the
biggest reasons for diet crash-and-burn is the failure to
plan for the unexpected. Keeping healthy snacks on hand,
like a protein bar can
keep blood sugar even and energy high, helping to stave
off hunger and to avoid snacking on high calorie foods and late-night
- Drinking a mini
or protein soup
before a potentially diet-busting
dinner, party or holiday celebration may save
hundreds of calories. Protein helps to switch off
hunger signals in our brain quickly. Having protein before
other foods can help blunt your appetite! A little advance
planning may make all the difference between a failed diet
and the successful loss of many unwanted pounds.
New Convenient and Portable
by Herbal Vitality
- All weight loss claims refer
to the Herbalife Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst
other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily
fluid intake and appropriate rest.
The Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease.
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